1. Arrival 9/10
2. Mortal 10/10
3. Hidden 9/10
4. Aqua 7/10
5. Thirst 4/10
6. Exposed 9/10
7. Splinter 10/10
8. Solitude 9/10
9. Lexmas 7/10
10. Fanatic 8/10
11. Lockdown 10/10
12. Reckoning 10/10
13. Vengeance 9/10
14. Tomb 8/10
15. Cyborg 9/10
16. Hypnotic 9/10
17. Void 7/10
18. Fragile 8/10
19. Mercy 9/10
20. Fade 8/10
21. Oracle 9/10
22. Vessel 9/10
2. Mortal 10/10
3. Hidden 9/10
4. Aqua 7/10
5. Thirst 4/10
6. Exposed 9/10
7. Splinter 10/10
8. Solitude 9/10
9. Lexmas 7/10
10. Fanatic 8/10
11. Lockdown 10/10
12. Reckoning 10/10
13. Vengeance 9/10
14. Tomb 8/10
15. Cyborg 9/10
16. Hypnotic 9/10
17. Void 7/10
18. Fragile 8/10
19. Mercy 9/10
20. Fade 8/10
21. Oracle 9/10
22. Vessel 9/10
Top 5 episodes
1. Reckoning
2. Mortal
3. Lockdown
4. Splinter
5. Hidden
this season again I have been very surprised by how good it turned out
to be. I always remember season 3 as being my favourite but I may have
to re-evaluate things because, other than the blip they have with
'Thirst' (possibly the worst episode of Smallville), the rest of the
season is consistently very strong. The tone is a bit darker and they
certainly up the sex and violence, but the story threads seem much more
well thought out, even giving Lana a pretty strong season. Plus, we get
big moments for the show in general, such as Clark and Lex coming to
blows, the introduction of League members, Aquaman and Cyborg, the
awesome inclusion of James Marsters as Braniac and, or course, the death
of Jonathan. Cracking stuff! The best season yet!
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