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Thursday 20 August 2020

Episode 5.20: Fade

Clark saves a man from being hit by a bus, not realizing he is on his way to the court house to kill the star witness in a major trial, using an ability to disappear to get him inside. When this Chameleon sends Clark a gift to thank him, without telling him who it is from, Clark assumes it's either from Lionel or Lex trying to buy their way back into his trust. When he goes to see Lex he catches him kissing Lana and leaves undetected. Then when the Chameleon finds out about Clark's predicament he decides that killing Lex would be the best way to pay him back. But Lana catches him in the act and, when she gives his description to Clark, Clark goes to confront him. The Chameleon takes him down with a meteor rock before heading off to kill Lex and Lana. Thankfully, Clark is saved by Chloe and Lois, before heading off to save Lex and Lana. But as he has to do it unseen, Lana is under the impression that she is alive because of Lex. This spurs her on to go and see Clark to tell him that her and Lex are now an item.

This is a really solid episode with a pretty decent villain. The guy is a total whack job, with funny ideas about how to repay someone for saving his life, but his power is pretty cool and I love that they explore the idea that Clark saving someone might not always be the best thing for the world. Chloe's speech to him about not getting to decide who lives or dies, "save lives, ask questions later", is precisely the kind of thinking that is fit for a superhero.

Chloe is great in this episode actually and I really feel for her when Clark rather thoughtlessly tells her that she doesn't know what it's like to see the one you love in the arms of someone who was once your best friend. The fact that she doesn't call him out on it but, instead, decides to be a friend to him, says so much about her character and it's the reason I love her so much. She's more loyal to Clark than he even realizes and sometimes Clark can be a real idiot.

I can still sympathize with Clark, however, in the moment where Lex is getting all the credit for saving Lana, when it was actually Clark who saved them both. It would take an awful lot to stop me from stepping forward with an "Um, actually..." turn of phrase. You are a bigger man than I am Mr Kent, let's just say that.

There is a subplot in this episode where Lois goes on a date with the Chameleon. It feels a bit reminiscent of the subplot she had with Aquaman and seems like something of a waste for Lois' character. I'm sure they could give her more to do than that. But it does allow for a nice heart to heart between Lois and Martha towards the end as Lois struggles with the possibility that she might miss the right guy because she's too busy looking at all the wrong ones. Hardly a Bechdel test qualifier but a nice moment nonetheless.

A small gripe I also have is with the Chameleon burying Clark in the shallowest grave I've ever seen. This seems pretty dumb for someone who is a professional hitman. Other than that it's a decent episode.


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