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Saturday 22 August 2020

Episode 5.22: Vessel

Lex is abducted by Fine. When he returns he has all of the same powers as Clark. When Clark speaks to Jor-El, his kryptonian father tells him that he must kill Lex with a special dagger, to stop him from becoming the vessel of Zod. But can he take the life of his former friend? And will Lana ever want anything to do with him again if he does? Also, Fine unleashes a computer virus onto the internet that sends the world back into a technological dark age.

I love Lana's reaction to Lex being abducted. It's a mix of shock and awe. Kreuk's performance is really good here in the intro. I'm not quite sure why Braniac would feel inclined to tell her anything about what he's doing though, not unless he needed her to be a part of it, which he doesn't.

Clark is such an idiot! He calls out, in this very episode, how he keeps making all the wrong decisions and disobeying Jor-El. And then he goes and does just that by refusing to use the dagger for its correct purpose. I like that Clark really doesn't want to kill. It's one of his great heroic qualities. But how many people will die or suffer as a direct result of him choosing not to kill the vessel?

I like how Lionel is trying to convince Clark that, sometimes, an evil act is the only way to serve the greater good. In many ways this is the very thing that Lex believes in. He doesn't see himself as evil. He justifies his evil acts by convincing himself that they are for the greater good. So hearing Lionel talk to Clark like this once again shows us how Lex adopted his outlook on the world. It's also great to see a change in Lionel's feelings when Clark tells him that Lex is the vessel. It's easy to make the ultimate sacrifice when it's not something or someone you care about.

I'm not quite buying that Lionel is getting up and walking away from that car window that Lex throws him into at superspeed. No way, you're dead bruh! Or at the very least you are in intensive care for the next six weeks.

I know a lot of fans get really sick of hearing Lana banging on about "secrets". Indeed, I'm usually one of them. But, in this case, I can't help but understand where she's coming from. She knows that Clark knows what is going on after overhearing him talk about killing Lex. And yet Clark still refuses to tell her anything when she asks. So I can totally see why she would be as harsh with him as she is this time around. She says Clark doesn't trust her and it's hard to argue with that.

Being a Chloe guy, the first time I saw this episode, I loved the moment where she kisses Clark. With Lana seemingly moving on it felt like this was the perfect time to explore a more intimate relationship between the two. But, of course, watching it in retrospect, knowing where they go in season 6, this moment just seems so wasted now with no satisfying payoff.

I love the final exchange between Lex and Clark as Lex really tells Clark what he thinks of him. Clark asks him, "If that's how you felt then why did you stick around for so long?" This is a really valid point that calls out Lex's true nature. Any self respecting person with integrity and no hidden agenda would ditch someone they could not trust as a friend. But Lex clung on for so long because he wanted something from Clark. He wanted to learn his secrets in case he had something to gain from them.

Once Lex turns into Zod, however, the dialogue becomes a bit heavy handed as Zod begins to talk like Basil Exposition. Except when he meets Lana on the rooftop. Here he decides to say nothing at all, leaving Lana to spew out some wishy washy crap about how she feels for him that, in the face of everything that is going on beneath them, seems somewhat self-indulgent and inappropriate

All the stuff with Martha and Lois seems like it is building to something of great importance for the start of season 6. What is Braniac planning for them? Again, hindsight can be a bitch! More on that at a later date.

The final shot of Clark in the phantom zone prison is awesome! As someone who grew up on the Christopher Reeve Superman films I was really happy to see that visual cue that allowed fans to instantly know what was happening and set us up with the promise of getting our first real look inside the phantom zone come next season.

Not flawless but very fast paced and highly entertaining.



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