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Saturday 15 August 2020

Episode 5.15: Cyborg

Victor Stone is woken up in a lab in restraints by a doctor. But the doctor releases him and helps him to escape from the lab. During his escape he runs out onto the road where he is hit by Lana's car. However, he walks away without a scratch, but then takes Lana to the emergency room before making a run for it. Lana calls Clark. She tells him what happened and he finds Victor, still in the hospital, just about to leave after having stolen some clothes. They have a scuffle and, realizing he has powers, Clark takes Victor back home to the farm for a chat. Chloe discovers that the company experimenting on Victor is owned by Luthorcorp. But does Lex have any idea what's been going on?

I love that Victor is freed by a scientist with a conscience. We see a lot of scientists on this show, such as Doctor Krieg in this very episode, who are willing to go to any lengths in the name of their work so it's always nice when you get one who is willing to do the right thing.

I suppose one could put her vulnerability down to Jonathan being gone, but I feel Martha plays into Lionel's hands far too easily with the blackmail scheme. Her willingness to trust him without question makes her seem weak compared to the Martha we've seen in the past. She knows all too well just how devious he can be at times.

Despite Lionel's deception his intentions seem to be to get Martha to trust him, not because he wants to betray her, but because he genuinely wants to help protect Clark's secret. Even when Lionel wants to do good he cannot help going about it in a dishonest way. He has spent so much of his life lying and cheating that it is simply second nature for him. He doesn't know how to trust people and risk being hurt so instead manipulates them to remain in control.

Clark, on the other hand, doesn't trust Lana with the truth for fear that she is the one who will get hurt. Let's not forget that when he did tell her his secret in Reckoning it ended up leading to her death. So I think his holding it back now is an indication of a genuine fear that she will get hurt, rather than the fear he once had that it would change how she feels about him.

These previous fears that Clark once had are now the burden that Victor Stone is faced with as he tries to decide whether or not to tell his girlfriend that he is still alive. It is this aspect of the character that allows Clark to relate to Victor and bond with him. It also makes Victor a much more interesting character than the previous future member of the Justice League, Arthur Curry, that made an appearance earlier in the season. Young performs the role well and it makes me sad to hear the tragedy of what happened to the talented actor.

Rosenbaum is typically great as Lex, lying to Clark about being involved. He is most certainly not on the side of the angels here, no matter how much he tries to justify to Clark what he is doing to Victor. It's one of those rare instances where Clark easily has the moral high ground when he goes barging in to the Luthor mansion without the aid of pleasantries.


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