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Sunday 16 August 2020

Episode 5.16: Hypnotic

Lex blackmails a woman named Simone to drive a wedge between Clark and Lana. Simone has a special neclace that allows her to hypnotize people into doing whatever she wants. She makes Clark get down and dirty with her so that Lana finds them together. Meanwhile, Lex tracks Fine to Honduras, where he's been gathering blood samples from plague victims. But what is Fine really up to?

The attack on the two hazmat guys by Braniac at the beginning is pretty brutal. I don't know what's worse, getting a T1000 pointy finger through the head or being plunged face first into a rotting, diseased corpse. Either way, you've got to feel sorry for these guys!

A lot of the stuff with Fine in this episode isn't quite as interesting as it usually is, despite some good interactions between Fine and Lex. This is mostly because we are not given any answers to anything that Fine is doing. We are just faced with more questions by the end of it all.

I find it quite amusing that Lana drives the whole way to her dorm room in Metropolis, before Clark calls her to tell her he needs to talk, then instantly turns and heads back to Smallville. She probably doesn't get given enough credit for how understanding she is. Any normal person would have at least said, "Can't you just tell me over the phone?" Or maybe something like, "Can it wait til tomorrow?" But not Lana. That's commitment right there!

I do feel for her in this episode though. The bit where she walks in on Clark and Simone is harsh! How she might ever forgive him for that one is beyond belief. Obviously, we know he's under the influence, but she doesn't. So in that moment, purely from Lana's perspective, Clark has become a truly hateful scumbag. Someone who acts virtuous to the whole world but who in fact lies, cheats, and treats people like dirt. Like I said, it's harsh, but it makes Simone a truly vindictive villain.

But, of course, the real villain of the story is Lex, the man blackmailing Simone to make her do what she is doing. I almost get tired of saying that Rosenbaum is excellent but, what else can I say, it's just fact! I particularly like his exchange with Simone, via video monitor, as he acknowledges how stunningly gorgeous she is whilst having the good sense to keep her at a distance. In true Luthor fashion he deviously moves people round like pieces on a chessboard. He's a master manipulator.

The scene where Clark knocks Lois out is pure gold and not just because he does it by tapping her lightly on the head with his finger. But Lois telling him, "I'm gonna have to take you down", as well as Martha happily waving goodbye to Clark and Simone as they leave for California, are both absolutely priceless moments. I also love Welling's performance in this scene. You can see his thought processes as he thinks about having to kill Lex. A smile dawns on his face and, with conviction, he promises Simone that, "he's a dead man". A great scene from top to bottom.

I have got to say though, I'm shocked by the rather blaisè attitude Lois and Chloe have to Martha being knocked unconscious by a blow to the head from a rolling pin. I mean, sure, Chloe has an initial reaction of shock that she "just knocked out Martha Kent", but it's mostly played for laughs and then the two of them just casually go about their business. A blow to the head like that could potentially kill someone so I'd have much preferred it if Chloe had have just distracted Martha so that Lois could wrestle the gun from her. As it is it seems a bit excessive.

I kind of wish they hadn't killed Simone as well. She would have been a cool character to bring back at a later date and the way she gets taken out stretches credibility a bit. The chances that a wild swing of a gun and an accidental shot would just so happen to hit her right through her necklace has to be a million to one. It's the most convenient way that things could possibly be wrapped up.

Clark is an idiot! He tells Lana at the end that he doesn't love her. He does this because he thinks it's the best thing for her if the two of them are not together. I watch that scene and all I can think is, "You idiot!" But it does lead to a great conversation between Clark and Martha, in which Martha suggests that Clark broke it off with Lana because, deep down, he knows she isn't "the one". This would be the absolute perfect ending to these two as a couple. They should never get back together after this. Unfortunately, I've seen this show many times, so I know what's coming. But, for me, this was the episode where there should have been no going back.


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