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Sunday 19 July 2020

Episode 4.19: Blank

Kevin Grady has the power to make people forget the last few minutes of their life. When Clark tries to stop him stealing, Kevin uses his power againt him, but due to the power being a result of kryptonite-infused experiements that were done to Kevin at Sommerholt, Clark suffers total amnesia. Chloe leads him down memory lane whilst steering him away from situations that might reveal his powers. Eventually, they figure out that Kevin was sent to Sommerholt to supposedly have memories of accidentally killing his own brother wiped. But it turns out to be the father who had accidentally killed the boy and blamed Kevin for it. Meanwhile, when Lana tells Jason she's thinking about deciding to not go away with him, he gets angry and aggressive with her, leaving her pretty shaken.

In my review for the last episode I said that I felt there was a scene missing that might explain Jason's sudden allegiance to his mother. Well, here it is! The thing is, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense coming off the back of last episode. It makes Lana seem like she was cheating on him when she danced with Clark at the prom. I am totally and utterly convinced that this episode was meant to air before 'Spirit'. Had that been the case, Jason's journey to the dark side would have made far more sense.

Lex is really devious in this one too. He tries to take advantage of Clark's memory loss by lying to him in order to learn more about the caves. It's so sad to witness this behaviour from him as it illustrates just how far their relationship has fallen.

The plot with Kevin, while not the worst meteor freak plot, is far too predictable that I became emotionally detached from it as I waited for the reveal that I already knew was coming. It does however provide us with some great interplay between Chloe and Clark, where again, we get to see Chloe's incredible loyalty towards him.

I find it someone tedious though that we have to witness Clark's feelings towards Lana emerging once more. But, again, it makes what happened in the previous episode between the two of them feel much more organically executed when you view this one first.

A decent episode.


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