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Thursday 16 July 2020

Episode 4.16: Lucy

Lois' sister, Lucy, visits Smallville under the pretense of seeing her older sibling. In reality she is on the run from a man, whom she owes a serious amount of money. At least, that's how it appears. However, in actual reality, it's all one big con and she turns out to be working with the man in order to swindle Lex out of 50,000 dollars, using both Lois and Clark as pawns in her scheme. Meanwhile, Jason and Lana come back to Lana's apartment to find it's been ransacked and the power stone is now missing. Jason goes on the war path to find it, assaulting Lionel, despite promising Lana it no longer mattered just as long as they had each other. But in the closing moments we discover that the breakin at Lana's was all a ruse. Lana still has the stone.

In previous episodes the stones have called out to Clark, even when they are half way around the world at 10,000 feet. So why is it that they stay quiet when they are in such close proximity to him here, being in the same town and all. It's somewhat conveniently inconsistent.

I like that the show introduces another character from the comics in the shape of Lucy. The plot with her is meant to reveal information that gives us some insight into the kind of childhood Lois had. It does this pretty well and establishes the relationship between these two women in a reasonably satisfying way. But Lucy still ends up coming off as a spoilt brat and is therefore not altogether likeable.

There's a really great set piece moment involving Clark jumping from a bridge onto the roof of a moving truck. The special effects and stunt teams do a really good job of pulling it off and making it quite an iconic looking moment.

There are also some mildly amusing interactions between Lois and Clark as Clark begins to dote on Lucy. Is that a tinge if jealousy there Lois?

A fairly solid episode.

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