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Sunday 12 July 2020

Episode 4.12: Pariah

Clark and Alicia are now dating, much to the disapproval of everyone who knows them. When Lana is attacked, whilst in a locked room with no evidence of anyone having been in there, all suspicions turn to Alicia. But she swears it was not her. However, when Jason is later attacked in his car by an unseen assailant, the only evidence that is found by Clark is Alicia's scalf. Doubting her innocence Clark confronts her on it and says that, even if she is innocent, she should turn herself in. What Clark doesn't know is that, at the time of Jason's attack, Alicia was being questioned by Sheriff Adams. But before Clark can talk to Alicia, she puts a plan into motion that reveals his secret to Chloe, hoping that once people know what he can do he'll be free to be himself. Alicia is then murdered by the (sand) man who was really responsible for the attacks on Lana and Jason, which leaves Clark feeling guilty for not having trusted her. Also, Lex hires Jason to find out what Genievieve Teague knows about how Lionel was released.

Another outstanding episode yet again. Man, I'd forgotten how good much of season 4 was. First of all, seeing Alicia's body hanging from a rope was truly upsetting the first time I saw this many years ago, but it hasn't lost its power to shock. They've done such a good job with this character in such a short space of time that it really does make me regret the fact that she isn't in more episodes. She was definitely a flawed character but I felt that the reasons for those flaws was pretty well explored and so I ultimately felt a great deal of sympathy for her. Again, props to Sarah Carter for the excellent job she did.

The death of Alicia hits Clark pretty hard and, unlike Kyla in season 2, I totally buy his emotions and feel like they've been earned. Usually, Clark has to keep his secret in order to save those he loves from being hurt. But, on this occasion, it was not telling people about his secret that may have led to Alicia's death.

I love that Chloe now knows and the scene where she witnesses Clark catching the car is one of the most memorable moments of the entire show for me. The way Chloe handles having that knowledge is also very touching and it seems somewhat appropriate that her approach was led by the advice of Lois.

Another great aspect to this episode is that no one is immune to prejudice and judgement. Even Martha, who is usually so careful with the way she considers everyone she meets, is practically ready to grab her pitchfork. I think we are all capable of this behaviour, no matter how virtuous we might be, and this is a touching reminder not to judge people based on their past.

Crackin' stuff!


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