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Monday 2 May 2011

Episode 1.8: Jitters

This is an excellent episode that really hits you with an emotional sucker-punch in its final scene. You feel deeply sympathetic towards Lex Luthor as the contrast in the relationships that both he and Clark have with their parents is made all too clear. Whatever future crimes Lex may commit he will always be a victim to his own father's inability to show even the slightest ounce of genuine affection towards his son.

But it's not all negative on the emotional side of things. There is plenty of humour too as Clark makes the mistake of hosting a house party while his parents are away in Metropolis for the night. He clears up the mess using his super-speed only to find that his parents got back early and have been stood there watching him for the past few minutes. The little applause that Jonathan gives is a top reaction that just made me chuckle.

It's worth noting that Lex also puts his life on the line in a genuinely heroic effort to save a load of school kids. This highlights the fact that he really does have a lot of good left in him, making the character much more tragic, as we are fully aware of the man that he will one day become.

A great character study that gives a real insight into what makes two iconic characters become the men they are destined to be. 9/10

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