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Wednesday 4 May 2011

Episode 1.12: Leech

Another outstanding episode from season one. Every time they take a misstep they seem to come back all guns blazing. Leech is heavy on the action and special effects without skimping on the great character moments too.

The story centres around what happens when Clark's powers are given to someone else who hasn't had the same upbringing as he has. The results are fairly predictable but no less fun for being so. This new 'Superboy' leaves a wake of destruction in his path and Clark takes on the burden of stopping him even though he is now just a regular person without his powers.

At first Clark enjoys the new found freedom that comes with not having to carry the responsibility of his powers. He is able to play basketball for the first time without worrying about hurting anyone. I don't think I've ever seen anyone so happy about losing. In his current predicament Clark is also able to throw an ever more suspicious Lex off the trail as his cuts and bruises seem to show that he is 'just human' after all.

It's nice to see Clark experience how hard his father must work to keep the farm going. It's quite a shock to his system as he spends two hours doing chores that would have previously taken him five minutes.

There is a moment in this episode that feels like something of a turning point in the relationship between Clark and Lex. It's when Lex confronts Clark about what really happened the day he crashed his car. You can totally understand where Lex is coming from, and how alone he really is, telling Clark that he's the closest thing he's ever had to a real friend. You always get the sense that if someone would just be straight with him then it might prevent him from heading down the inevitable path of super-villainy. Yet it is also understandable why Clark refuses to divulge his secret to anyone.

Funny, exciting, and a little tragic. 8/10

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