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Sunday 1 May 2011

Episode 1.5: Cool

Cool focuses on a meteor freak who sucks all of the heat out of anything he touches. Unfortunately, when he does this to other people he kills them.

This episode is very entertaining for a number of reasons, the first of which is the performance of Alison Mack as Chloe. It is the first time we get to see Chloe as a full-blooded human being with real emotions and not just a tool of exposition for the other characters. She is absolutely charming and at times heartbreaking.

Lex also starts to make some moves on the Kent family and, although you want to believe his offer to help them is sincere, you can't help but think he's up to something. The tension that arises between Jonathan and Lex whenever they occupy the same space is palpable and you often wander whether Jonathan's distrust of Lex could be doing more harm than good. Is it a form of self-fulfilling prophecy? If you make someone out to be a bad seed for long enough is it inevitable that they will become as such?

The villain of the piece is okay for entertainment purposes. But in the end he's just another stupid jock. It would be nice if someone with a bit more brains, who could challenge Clark, was infected by the meteor rocks for a change. Also, Clark defeats Sean by throwing him into water, thereby freezing him inside a big block of ice. In this case how did Sean get out of the lake that gave him his powers in the first place?

Putting this minor quibble aside for a moment this was a very enjoyable episode that showed just how valuable some of the supporting players could be if they were given more to do. I look forward to seeing more from Chloe in the future. 7/10

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