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Tuesday 10 May 2011

Episode 1.21: Tempest

There is a lot going on in this last episode of the first season: Clark takes Chloe to Prom; Lex attempts to usurp his father's decision to close down the Smallville processing plant by leading a public buy-out; sneaky journalist Roger Nixon threatens to expose Clark's secret; and Whitney Fordman leaves Smallville. Hooray!!! While all of this is going on there is a freak weather storm building all around Smallville, that leads to a cliffhanger ending, in which Lana get's caught up in the eye of a tornado.

The pace in Tempest never lets up. Right from the opening scene, where Lionel announces the closure of the plant, the weather is already kicking up a fuss and the constant build-up of wind only adds to the tension on screen.

This was the first ever episode of Smallville that I saw way back in 2001 and it got me hooked. The action and special effects haven't been this revved up since the pilot. The final moments between Lex and his father are the first time in the series where Lex comes one step away from being the man we all know from Superman folklore.

My only criticism is the shameless Remy Zero promotion. Not because of the band because I personally love them. But they are forced to mime due to the way it was shot which never looks good on camera.

Other than this, Tempest is the best episode from the first season, and it absolutely leaves you wanting more. Bring on season 2.


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