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Friday 18 September 2020

Episode 6.18: Progeny

Chloe's mum is being held by Lex in one of his level 33.1 offshoots. She has the power to control people with meteor infected abilities. One of those people just so happens to be her own daughter. When Chloe begins waking up with memory gaps and clues that point to her having done some questionable things, she begins to think that it may be the start of her latent meteor powers rearing their head. But with help from Clark, she soon discovers that it was her mother who was responsible, using Chloe to try and get her out of her entrapment.

Great to see original Wonder Woman herself, Linda Carter, show up here as Chloe's mother. She's wonderful in the role and I really enjoy the scenes between her and Mack as well as her and Rosenbaum.

It's also great to have so many scenes between Chloe and Clark. I love it when the two of them work an investigation together. It's like watching a teenage Mulder and Scully with super powers. They always have great chemistry and I love how Clark looks out for her like a true friend.

Lex is a right git in this one. He's well and truly gone over to the darkside now, with the way he treats Chloe's mum, the bare faced lies he dishes out to Lana on a regular basis, and the threats he unleashes upon Chloe. The way he sneaks up on her while she types up her article is just like season 2 Lionel. The son truly has become the father. Rosenbaum is great as always of course.

I find it somewhat mind boggling that one of the meteor freaks being held in Lex's compound has the power to throw guards across halls and yet only tries to escape when being controlled by Chloe's mum. It's also something of an annoyance that Chloe's dad seems to be completely out of the picture in an episode that really should concern him. It's like he doesn't exist anymore.

This is the episode where Lana finally learns that there never was a baby. I love how the doctor goes from thinking she faked the pregnancy, in order to get a billionaire to marry her, to realizing that she was totally clueless about it. It would be an obvious assumption to make but the actor playing the doctor does just enough with subtle mannerisms to show his change from accuser to sympathiser. Good performance there from such a bit part player.

It's really tragic that Chloe gets her mother back only to lose her again. It reminded me of the film 'Awakenings', where there are people with the power and resources to bring people back to being fully compus mentus, but refuse to do so because it's simply not within their best interests. And that film was based on a true story so knowing that makes everything that Chloe goes through here feel much more grounded.

A touching episode overall with just a few minor logic quibbles.



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