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Friday 11 September 2020

Episode 6.11: Justice.

Oliver recruits a team of supers to infiltrate Luthor Corp and destroy Lex's 33.1 experiments for good. The team is made up of Bart Allen, Victor Stone and Arthur Currie. But when Bart, codenamed Impulse, is captured by Lex, Clark gets involved to help mount a rescue mission, little realizing that, along with rescuing Bart, Oliver plans on destroying the multi-million dollar installation where he is being held. Clark must make a choice. Is he on team or is he going to sit this one out? Someone else who has a choice to make is Lois. Will she stay with Oliver, despite his constant disappearances, or choose to part ways?

This episode is an absolute blast. For those too young to remember a pre-Arrowverse world, it's pretty easy to underestimate just how special it was to see a live action TV show bringing all of these characters together for the first time. The moment where the team come walking out of the installation as it explodes behind them is definitely what you call the "money shot". So cool!

Lex delivers one of my favourite comebacks in the show's history when Bart says, "I want a lawyer", to which Lex responds, "And I want a ponytail; disappointment abounds!" Classic Lex!

I love the trap that Lex puts Bart into. It feels just like something we would have seen in the Justice League Unlimited animated series. Elaborate and devious.

Chloe gets to be part of the team in her first outing (unnofficially) as Watchtower, though given everything Clark has done over the years to keep his secret, I find it quite shameful that he so willingly gives up Bart's secret to Chloe. He gets a free pass due to the fact that divulging this information leads to Bart's rescue. But at the time that he tells her he is unaware that Bart has been captured. Come on Clark!

The weakest point of the episode for me is just how needy Lois comes across. I get it though. I understand why she would give Oliver an ultimatum at this point. But I feel like she would have been a bit more "in your face" about it. She's never struck me as the kind of person who would be willing to show weakness or vulnerability. I think it's more the fact that they've not given the character much to do so far in this season beyond chasing Oliver and Green Arrow, without having the intelligence to realize they are both the same man. This doesn't feel like the same person we were introduced to in season 4.

The Lois stuff really only takes place in 2 scenes though and I recognize it's necessary to break up her relationship with Oliver. Beyond that the episode is just a cracking action adventure that brings comic book fans something they've waited a lifetime to see.



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