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Thursday 10 September 2020

Episode 6.10: Hydro

I was surprised by just how much I enjoyed this one as my memory of it was not that great. But it really is both tonnes of fun whilst giving us a few really nice dramatic beats. I love the way Clark and Lana's final conversation plays with no music to underscore it at all. The performances and the dialogue alone are enough, which is the mark of a truly great written scene. There's so much angst between them for things that Clark just cannot say that it practically bursts forth from the screen.

Lake is a fun character, or should I say charicature, that paints a foul picture of tabloid journalism. Though I find it totally unbelievable that the Daily Planet would make her stories front page news. The Inquisitor maybe! Tori Spelling is perfect casting really because, just like tabloid journalists, I've never been able to take her seriously.

It took her long enough to catch on but I was happy to see Lois finally closing in on Oliver being the Green Arrow. It was pretty obvious where that plot was heading but, even so, it was nice to see Clark teaming up with Oliver to throw her off the scent. The really amusing part is hearing Lois unwittingly talk about what a great kisser Clark is. Even more amusing is the priceless reaction on Chloe's face at this piece of news.

Chloe is great throughout this whole episode really. This one belongs to her I think. Not only does she get to take the freak of the week down but she also gets to unload on Clark with all of her frustration at being expected to keep his secret all the time but not afford her other friends the same courtesy. It's a great moment for Chloe that's been a long time coming. Mack's performance is wonderful and so is Tom Welling's response, as he looks at her with a deep sense of understanding and compassion, knowing that he has crossed a line.

Even Jimmy ain't half bad in this episode, getting physical with some thugs to help out Lois, then comparing war wounds later with Chloe.

Lex is actually the one with the least to do in this episode, though the moment when he vindictively tells Clark that Lana is pregnant is certainly a memorable one. Even so, it makes a change that Rosenbaum isn't the highlight of the show for once.



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