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Thursday 21 May 2020

Episode 2.21: Accelerate

When Lana was eight years old she had a friend of the same age who drowned trying to save her. Now that friend has returned from beyond the grave, without looking any older, and so Lana believes that she is being haunted. The truth, however, may be a whole lot more creepy.

It is hard to figure out what to say about this episode. It is not a great addition to the series but neither is it a bad one. It is just fairly forgettable.

The little girl who plays Lana’s ‘back from the dead’ friend is somewhat grating on the nerves. Similarly, the casting of the guy who plays the janitor in Scrubs is very off-putting. I find it hard to take any other character he plays seriously. That may not be his fault. But I cannot help thinking that a better actor would be able to shake off the baggage and familiarity of their other work.

The story itself is a fairly interesting one. It just never quite gels into a satisfying whole. It is fair enough that Lana’s friend turns out not to be a ghost, but in that case, would she really go about setting up the film projector at the Talon to play the old family movies in an attempt to spook Lana. Surely that is too elaborate for a girl of such a young age to pull off, and if she believes herself to be real, then why act like a ghost? It is too inconsistent with what follows.



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