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Sunday 3 May 2020

Episode 2.3: Duplicity

When Pete Ross discovers Clark's missing space ship it forces Clark into revealing his secret to him. At first Pete takes it hard, feeling betrayed by Clark for not trusting him, but soon learns the price he will have to pay and the responsibility that comes with knowing who Clark really is.

This is another great episode. Season two of Smallville has so far been practically faultless and it's easy to see why the creators once called it their favourite year.

The point at which Clark reveals his secret to Pete is handled very well and it is something of a relief to now have someone he can confide in other than his parents. The final scene shows Clark and Pete closer than ever and their relationship has become something more akin to that of the relationship between brothers.

Joe Morton is really quite good in this episode too, as the increasingly erratic Dr Hamilton, desperate to leave behind a legacy other than that of a crazy man who sold meteor fragments.

Lionel moves into the mansion, which allows for some great scenes between him and Lex over the coming episodes, especially as they both now seem intent on finding evidence of the alien craft.

Great stuff. 9/10

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