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Monday 1 June 2020

Episode 3.1: Exile

Kicking off three months after the events of Exodus, emo-Clark is living in a self-imposed exile in Metropolis, robbing banks and cash machines. Morgan Edge, a major league crime boss, eventually comes calling. He hires Clark to steal something from Luthercorp Plaza. Jonathan makes a deal with Jor-El to bring Clark back home, and Jor El gives him the same powers as Clark, so that he is able to do so. Helen is revealed as a traitor to Lex, having betrayed him to inherit his fortune. Meanwhile, Lex actually remains stranded on a remote island, with someone named Lewis.

There is some really great action in this season three opener. The bank robbery set piece at the beginning is outstanding. As is Rutger Hauer, in a supporting role and genius piece of casting, as crime boss Morgan Edge. He only appears in a few scenes. But Hauer has that unique ability to hold the screen without seemingly doing all that much.

It is revealed that Helen was hired by Lionel to spy on Lex but it is not made clear as to what point this treachery began. Has she been spying ever since the beginning? If so, there are a few previous moments between her and Lionel in season two that would no longer make sense. If it was fairly recent, then at what point did she decide to go from duplicitous spy to cold-blooded murderer?

We are quite familiar with Jonathan Kent making the odd rousing speech every now and then. But his ‘happy days’ speech to Martha takes the cheese factor to a whole new level.

Lex wrestling with his subconscious, in the form of Lewis, is a nice touch that I don’t think I fully appreciated the first time around. The actor playing Lewis is really quite good, making the most out of the role.

I have always loved the cliffhanger to this episode, with Jonathan and Clark’s face off, promising Smallville’s first truly great ‘super fight’. The fact that it is father versus son makes it all the more emotionally engaging.

A great start to the season.


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